Teal Swan
1930 Village Center Circle #3-8664
Las Vegas, NV 89134
Spain, October, 9th, 2023
Dear Teal,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I recently came across your interview with Juliana & Mark Spicoluk, and I was deeply moved by your connection and authenticity, along with your unique perspective, It reminded me of other incredible individuals I have encountered, such as Gangagi, Mooji, Byron Katie, Peter Crone or Kelly Brogan.
I am writing this letter the old-fashioned way, with an envelope and stamp, in the hopes that it would catch your attention more quickly than an email would, considering the sheer volume of messages you must receive. Besides this, doing something out of the ordinary is always refreshing.
I will publish a longer version of this letter on Soulmate2024.com/Teal-Swan-Letter, in case you are interested in exploring some of the links I will include.
The purpose of this letter is simple: I would love to work with you. Whether it be a retreat or some other type of event, I believe our collaboration could be truly meaningful.
To give you a brief overview of my background, I have been facilitating Family Constellations workshops from a Primal perspective for the past 20 years. As a Primal therapist, I do not strictly adhere to the orthodox approach, but instead connect with the Knowing Field and flow with its intelligence and love. Besides working with transgenerational issues, I developed a “way” to apply the Knowing Field to work our personal history and the inner dialogues. There are some links at the end of the longer letter,
If you are unfamiliar with Family Constellations, there is a 2022 Netflix series called “Another Self” that explores this phenomenon.
Currently, I am working on a project with Judith M Costa called “Meet Your Soulmate.” The first meeting will take place in the Canary Islands. This is the website: MeetYourSoulmateInTheCanaryIslands.com
Other domains are still under construction. In 2020, I became heavily involved in the Covid crisis and created two websites, DoctorsForTheTruth.com and MedicosPorLaVerdad.com, Unfortunately, these websites and the rest of my sites, along with the backups, were attacked by hackers, probably it was the work of the same people who created the pandemic narrative.
This concludes my traditional letter. I will write more on the internet version of it, while this physical letter makes its way to you. Who knows, I might even send another one in a bottle like “naufragos” used to do.
I hope we have the opportunity to talk and meet in the near future.
Warm regards.
Angel Primal
WhatsApp: +34627619266